Saturday, October 14, 2017

Poor White Ain't Poor Black

It seems there's an expectation for Black People to feel sorry for all the "poor white people" in America and consider them "honorary Black folks". There are always a few Blacks & Latinos who think this, and many Asians tend to side with whites. There are some outstanding individuals who truly stand for equality & justice that I consider friends and will stand with, but beyond them collectively poor white people embrace their white privilege with no intention of working for equality. Until white people consistently confront other white people on racism then don't expect Black People to "get over it".
Poor white people didn't build this country, but Black slaves did. Poor white people weren't regularly lynched by the KKK, but they were and still are the majority of the KKK as well as most hate groups who attack Blacks. Poor white people have never empathized or mobilized in mass to fight against slavery or for equal rights, but instead they made up the mobs who attacked black people for trying to integrate into better schools or even better bathrooms. These same "poor white" people have always been the angry mobs who killed Black People in race riots or killed other white people for standing up for what's right.
Poor white people get biased treatment in the court system for the same crimes Black People get 2 to 3 times harsher sentences for. Poor white people commit more crime and domestic terrorism yet aren't filling up jails & prisons like they should be, but Blacks & Latinos are disproportionately and unfairly doing so in their place. Poor white people talk back or even fight with the cops with little fear of danger, but Black people get beaten or shot for literally doing nothing. Poor white people sit on most juries where police officers have shot innocent Black people and they declare the officer not guilty almost every time. Poor whites tend to blame Blacks or others for them being poor. Poor white people are also the primary supporters of the bad Trump Presidency.
Poor white people are not kindred spirits to Black People in our struggle for racial equality just because they're poor. Being poor & white in the U.S.A is still a privileged social position over poor Black, Latino, or Native Americans in America. I feel for all poor people, but when it comes to reparations for Black People or Civil Rights the track record of poor white people proves they don't care about anyone else but White People. I love all humanity, despise poverty and I acknowledge there are good people of every color, but until we're all considered the same then all my priorities are not the same as poor white people because I'm not a priority to them. ~ Mr. Blaktastic 

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