Saturday, January 6, 2018

Blind Black Love For Pro-black & Church Frauds

Dear Black Folks, It is a unicorn fable that somehow when one person disagrees, points out chicanery, abusive behavior, or the criminal activity of another that it hurts Black People or your chosen religious body. Stop asking people to give your spiritual or pro-black conscious frauds another chance, or to always sit down and work it out when there's friction between various ones. We don't need to unify behind bull-crap.

"Brothas" don't need to always work it out, but some of us need to stop following certain "brothas & sistas". I'll say it again, the only people I know who protect their predators and try to redeem their abusers more than help the victims of them or protect people from them are Black folks & church folks. We give too many passes and make excuses for our bad people because they're talented or charismatic. Stop asking us to pray for your devils! 
Every time one of these folks we pumped up to believe in dies or is put on the hot seat for their bad behavior we make up lies & conspiracy theories in their defense or want everyone to pray for them. These svengalis aren't important enough to warrant a conspiracy against them. The good ones who weren't legitimately assassinated most often die of natural causes or their own mismanagement of their health. When we can't accept the simple finality of that we create a boogeyman story.

It seems we never think how stupid we sound saying this mess. I've thought to myself how easily I could make money by misusing my talents to deceive people; we seem to love that. I know I could get away with almost anything, because once you create a substantial following of any kind in church or among black people you will always have loyal groupies who will defend you no matter how crooked you are. Having integrity gets you nowhere with us.
I'm tired of seeing Black folks and so called church folks defend cons, child molesters, rapists, abusers, perverts, deviants, habitual liars, poverty pimps, and hope hustlers but blaming the Devil, white people, other black people, claiming a spiritual attack, or saying it's a conspiracy. NO, it's none of that but the fact is you were gullible, got duped, or just have a very warped sense of what's right & wrong. Own it and stop deflecting. True "Black Power" or spirituality improves & corrects your character not excuses it.

We tend to go with calling wrong somehow right, and when someone tells us about it then we turn on them and call them devils, coons, agents, church hurt, sellouts, and everything but their names. Two groups I no longer believe in are the Black Collective and the Church Community. I love them, but I'm not with their foolishness just because they look like me or claims to believe like me. Things won't change until we change. ~ Mr. Blaktastic 

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