What allegedly happened between Christie Ford & Brett Kavanaugh 36-yrs ago became an interlude in the hypocrisy of our Democracy. It was a political fiasco involving two elite whites around a sensitive social issue that was weaponized by opportunistic politicians to manipulate the masses with it. It wasn't about women & sexual assault; that was just the smokescreen to hide the ninja. It was only interesting to me to examine how we judge between the genders, and how divisive these gender biased movements truly are among the people.
I'm disappointed by what I saw but not surprised. This is the United States of America; the greatest democracy & hypocrisy on planet Earth. I didn't forget. It confirmed that a white woman's word is sacrosanct and people will lose their minds when she cries "wolf" as if she's more credible or important than anyone else. All she has to do is show some emotions, talk softly, and look harmless to tell a familiar sounding sad story for us to damn the accused straight to hell whether they did it or not just because we feel they deserve it anyway. It also showed that elitist white men are still the same privileged elitist white men.
The partisan politics were bad for Democrats & Republican but they didn't stop this horror show they helped create. Black People are still in the same position socially, economically, and politically before Christie Ford spoke and after Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed. Neither of them care what happened to Black folks 36-days ago or what will happen to those of us outside their social class 36-days from now after the election. I'm not emotionally vested in either of them but into the rest of us, and that's where my focus is back on.
As a genetic Black male, none of my issues were brought up in the fear mongering around this. The focus was exclusively on women's rights and their bodies or Roe vs. Wade. This was made a gender divisive issue on purpose, and people let their emotions cloud their thinking. Black women were taken along for the ride once again (as always) by white women who continue to use them to bolster their numbers along gender lines for their causes; only to abandon them at the election polls and behind close doors for the same white men they publicly accuse of sexual assault & abuse. "Feminism" in America is for white women only.
Until Black People in America are not being killed in the streets with impunity and purposely being given disproportionate injustice from a governmental system that systemically denies it to them nor will pay us the reparations we're owed to allow us to control our economic destiny, I really don't care what happened between two elitist white folks 36-years ago at an alleged drunk teen gathering in "Somewhere in Elite White Folks Land, USA". ~ Mr. Blaktastic
That’s telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth! I concur! ✊��